Remove Read More Button In Blogger Static Pages

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

This is the second article that related to removing the unwanted thing from blogger’s static pages. Click here for the first article. Today, we will learn how to remove Capture1 button from static pages.


Please be informed, this procedures had been done based on my blog template. I SHOULD NOT BE responsible if any harm happen to yours during following my procedures. Please backup your blog template before doing any modification on it.


  1. For those who want to know how to create the static page, click here.

  2. For those who want to know how to create Capture1 button, click here.

  3. For those who want to know how to manipulate Capture1 button, click here.

Before The Procedures


The Procedures

  1. Login to your blogger dashboard –-> click Design –-> click Edit HTML –-> click the check box Expand Widget Templates to show the right sign sign.


  2. Press Capture to show the Find toolbar locate at the top of Design board –-> type <div class='post-body entry-content'> –-> click Next


  3. The template editor will redirect you to the code highlighted in yellow color. See below.


  4. Refer to the above, you will see a piece of code inside the blue box which represent the Capture1 button. You previously have added this code.

  5. Now, let we focus on the code that represent the Capture1 button. Inside the HTML tag table, add the CSS class selector. For example, see the blue font in the picture below. 


  6. Then, inside the Find toolbar (at the top of Design board), type </head> –-> click Next –-> ABOVE the </head> tag, paste the code below.

  7. Click SAVE TEMPLATE –-> view your static page to see the result.

After The Procedures


As you see on the above picture, there is no more Capture1 button.


{ ahsiang } at: August 24, 2011 at 2:07 PM said...

nice, thanks!

{ vijay kumar } at: December 18, 2011 at 12:21 AM said...


{ xespao } at: April 2, 2012 at 8:06 AM said...

thank you so much!

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