Manipulate Read More Button In A Blog

Friday, August 19, 2011

We have learned about how to make the Capture button yesterday. So, today I would like to show you how to manipulate it. Usually, we manipulate the Capture button after finish writing an article.

To make you better understand, let say you write the latest article like below using Windows Live Writer.


After you click Publish, Windows Live Writer will publish the article to your blog. After that, your blog will automatically launched with the latest article inside it. See below : 


Based on the picture above, we want to put the Capture button under first paragraph. So, here come the procedures.

The Procedures

  1. Login to your blogger dashboard –-> click Edit Posts –-> you will be presented with the list of articles like below.


  2. At the left side of your latest article, click Edit –-> you will see the post editor like below


  3. Refer to the picture above, you must type the HTML tag <span class=“fullpost”> AFTER a break line <br clear=“all” /> which locate after the first paragraph.

  4. Type the HTML closing tag </span> AFTER the second paragraph or AFTER the last HTML tag </p>.

  5. Click PUBLISH POST –-> click View Blog to see the result


  6. The picture below represented the wanted result.


    As you can see, the second paragraph is hidden and will appears as permalink after we click the button Capture.



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